Information Technology Policies


The Information Technology Office can be found just off the main lobby in the A.K. Christie Building.

Office support hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00AM to 4:00PM.


Due to the highly confidential information available to those with network access, it is the policy of the NMCC IT Office to verify a person’s identity before releasing secure information. Users will be asked to present a valid photo ID to receive information such as network or email login credentials. Information will not be given over the phone, by email or to parties requesting it on a user’s behalf.

In addition, this information can only be given to the user in one of three ways:

  • In person at the NMCC Main Campus in the Information Technology office;
  • By regular mail, to the address maintained on file in the Registration Office;
  • Through an Off-Campus Center director who will be bound by the same conditions above.

Additional Policies

Information Technology Usage and Support Policy
NMCC Acceptable Use Policy
Maine Community College System Acceptable Use Policy
MCCS Notice of Risk to Personal Data